'Augie’s War' novelist to appear at Elkins book fair

Oct 01, 2018 2411

Charleston author and Gazette-Mail wine columnist John H. Brown will conduct a book reading and signing event at the Mountain State Forest Festival in Elkins next Friday. Brown’s debut novel — Augie’s War — was published in May and follows a young West Virginian who is drafted and sent to Vietnam. Augie Cumpton escapes the horror of war by flashing back to memories of his boisterous Italian-American family, humorous incidents and a cast of unforgettable characters from back home.

Brown will appear at the Mountain State Forest Festival Book Fair at the Elkins-Randolph County Library on Friday, Oct. 5, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. The event will feature several West Virginia authors who will be available to display, discuss, sign and sell their books. The Elkins library is located at 416 Davis Avenue. The novel is available locally at Taylor Books and the West Virginia Marketplace store at the Capitol Market. It’s also available at Amazon and at other online retailers.

SOURCE: https://www.wvgazettemail.com

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