'Open-air museum' in Sicily with contemporary art

Jun 25, 2020 1565

The Foundation Orestiadi in Gibellina is launching the first open-air exhibit in Sicily since the outbreak of COVID-19. Masterworks on display will include the installation ''Montagna di Sale'' by Mimmo Paladino, a sculpture by Pietro Consagra, ''L'uomo con un carico di lune'', a marble installation, and artwork by British artist Peter Briggs.

The show is called ''Museo a cielo aperto'' (open-air museum). The Foundation will be presenting all its new acquisitions of contemporary art, paying homage to its founder Ludovico Corrao. The show will be inaugurated on the anniversary of his birth, June 26, to remember the senator, a symbol of reconstruction in Belice. 

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SOURCE: http://www.ansamed.info

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