‘Baseball for Babbo’ Gives 100% of profits to pancreatic cancer research

Feb 11, 2024 1266

Babbo Italian Eatery is hosting its third annual Baseball for Babbo Day of Giving event on Feb. 29. All eight Valley Babbo Italian Eatery locations will donate 100% of profits made that day to the Seena Magowitz Foundation, to fund pancreatic cancer research at HonorHealth Research Institute, according to a press release.

In addition, Babbo and Roger E. Magowitz, the founder and CEO of the Seena Magowitz Foundation, will each match funds raised up to $50,000, the release states. This event is foremost a loving tribute to the founder of Babbo Italian Eatery, the late Ken Pollack. Ken was a passionate baseball fan who lost his battle to pancreatic cancer in late 2022.

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SOURCE: https://arizonadigitalfreepress.com

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