Si chiamerà Storytalia, arriverà il prossimo autunno e sarà il primo Store ufficiale nel Web per i prodotti "belli e ben fatti" delle piccole e medie imprese italiane che desiderano proporsi sul mercato internazionale e approdare anche nei mercati emergenti. Produttori di articoli di design, abbigliamento, alimentare, calzature, oreficeria...
READ MORERenewable energy and clean technologies were the focus of a webinar organised by the Italian Embassy in Washington and promoted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in close coordination with Confindustria, GSE and the World Bank. The event attracted about 100 Italian businesses in the sector, taking part in Rome in an interactive, multi-media format...
READ MOREby Luca Orlando In 2014, the total consumption of ceramic tiles in the US showed a 0.5% increase to 231.4 million square meters, after the previous year's 12.9% leap. "In terms of value, having reached $3 billion in turnover gives ceramics a central role in the US flooring market,"explains Confindustria Ceramica president, Vittorio Bo...
READ MORESurprise. Italy, the nation with the most robust recycling industry in Europe, imports 5.9 million tons of refuse a year as raw material (especially metals used by steel mills) to recycle. Meanwhile, it pays to export 450,000 tons of garbage (non-recyclable, real trash, like the kind that Naples can't seem to get rid of) to burn as high-priced comb...
READ MOREThe recording of the webinar on renewable energy and clean technologies which took place in July 2014 has now been published on the MFA website at ( The webinar was organised by the Italian Embassy in Washington and by Confindus...
READ MOREItalian ceramics industry is fighting its battle for growth on foreign markets and, while waiting for Italy's economy to fully restart, it keeps betting on quality and products capable of beating its foreign competitors. Like Spain, for example, which has a higher level of "productivity" and higher yields per employee. But figures – made p...
READ MOREConfindustria Ceramica (the Italian Association of Ceramics) and the Italian Trade Commission announce the official call for entries for the 2015 Ceramics of Italy Tile Competition. Now in its third decade, the annual awards program honours the work of North American architects and designers who create exceptional spaces using Italian cera...
READ MOREThe boom of exports of the biomedical sector accomplished by the Mirandola district, in the province of Modena (+29.1% in 2015 according to the Monitor Intesa San Paolo), is the proof that currently Made in Italy has no rivals, not even in the hi-tech industry, when it is courageous enough to invest in research, innovation and training, turning ter...
READ MORE«Avete talento, creatività, il brand made in Italy è fortissimo negli Stati Uniti, anche per i macchinari e gli strumenti di precisione». John Phillips lo dice con calore davanti alla platea dei piccoli imprenditori di Confindustria, che lo hanno invitato, su richiesta del presidente, Alberto Baban, al Consiglio centrale pe...
READ MOREThere are signs of a recovery. Even in the underdeveloped Mezzogiorno (Southern Italy) the economy is rising again. "One more reason to enhance the functioning of the instruments we already have and to set in motion what's missing," said the vice president of Confindustria (the entrepreneurs' association) for the Mezzogiorno and Regional Policies...