Italy’s export of high-end fashion, food, furniture products to 31 developed countries could rise 20% to €70 billion in 2022 led by the growth in the United States, according to a study by employers group Confindustria and the Prometeia think tank released yesterday. The study looks only at what it calls “bello e ben fatto” ( BBF) products, referri...
READ MOREBy Dario di Vico La cultura dello storytelling ha fatto breccia anche in Confindustria. C'è bisogno di potenziare le esportazioni delle Pmi offrendo in Rete i loro prodotti ma anche raccontando «le tante storie che stanno dietro alle nostre capacità creative e manifatturiere». E così ieri Paolo Zegna, responsabile per l'internazionalizzaz...
READ MORENei prossimi anni si assisterà a una vera e propria rivoluzione nello scenario globale dell'energia. Il boom avviato negli Stati Uniti dallo sfruttamento di shale oil e shale gas, che renderà gli USA autosufficienti dal punto di vista delle risorse e nel lungo periodo esportatori, si riflette anche in una crescente differenziazione delle prospettiv...
READ MOREby Nicoletta Picchio Italian companies could increase their productivity by between 30% and 50% by using new technologies.The new frontier of Industry 4.0, which has already been the focus of other countries, must soon become our target. We are not starting from scratch, but Italy must fill its digital divide and aim at growth, according t...
READ MOREIn Illinois, which alone is worth a third of Italian GDP, the number one imported product from Italy is this: machinery. And it is not by chance, the ICE-Italian Trade Agency joint mission, Ucimu-Sistemiper produrre, the Ministry of Economic Development and Confindustria chose Chicago, the key manufacturing hub of the United States, in order to ill...
READ MOREIl Vice Ministro per lo Sviluppo Economico Carlo Calenda si recherà, lunedì 28 aprile, in visita ufficiale negli Stati Uniti accompagnato dal Vice Direttore generale di Confindustria Daniel Kraus, dai vertici delle principali associazioni di settore (Anfia, Assocalzaturifici, Assica, Cosmetica Italia, Federalimentare, Federmacchine, Federorafi e Sm...
READ MOREThe analysis by Assocomaplast, the Italian trade association, belonging to CONFINDUSTRIA, which groups together some 160 manufacturers of plastics and rubber processing machinery) of the latest ISTAT, the Italian National Institute of Statistics, figures for Italian foreign trade shows that, in the first half of 2013, imports in the sector were som...
READ MOREThe moment for six-month vouchers has nearly arrived for companies that wish to tap government funds to hire a temporary export manager to help them penetrate foreign markets. Vice Minister for Economic Development Carlo Calenda, speaking at a conference in Bologna, said the list of companies able to supply the managers in question will be...
READ MOREby Luca Orlando "Yes, the assembly line is at full capacity; we will invest an additional €12 million to open another one," said Emilio Mussini, President of Panaria, who -- like many other companies in the ceramic district of Emilia-Romagna --- is lucky enough to have this sort of "problem." Entrepreneurs like Mussini at Panaria...
READ MOREdi Vincenzo Rutigliano Un acceleratore lineare in grado di produrre fasci di protoni diretti e concentrati, con un margine di errore di 2 millimetri, sui tessuti da trattare in radioterapia. È il progetto sul quale sta lavorando dal 2009 la ItelPharma, divisione radiofarmaceutica della Iitel srl di Ruvo di Puglia, nel barese, che il comita...