Italy can count on a very high number of Opinion Leaders who, thanks to their ability, experience and willingness to represent their respective professional communities, have reached prestigious positions within their respective international associations: it is to them that we owe our country's leadership in many scientific and professional areas....
READ MORE"Tradition and perspectives of Italian cuisine: awareness and enhancement of food sustainability" is the theme of the sixth annual “World Week of Italian Cuisine” which will run from the 15th to the 21st of November 2021. The event is a worldwide initiative of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation aimed at promoting...
READ MOREItaly and Rome are ready to host the next international event of the Igtm in 2022 and in view of the Ryder Cup 2023. Enit, the Italian Agency for Tourism, for Italy has strongly supported, in synergy with the Italian Golf Federation, Lazio Region and Convention Bureau Rome and Lazio and Fiera di Roma, the landing in the country of the most importan...
READ MOREE’ scomparso Eugenio Magnani che per anni, a cavallo tra il XX e XXI secolo, era stato il direttore a New York e per tutti gli USA dell’ENIT, l’Ente Nazionale del Turismo. Sconfitto da una lunga malattia, negli ultimi mesi era tornato in Liguria. Negli ultimi anni aveva continuato ad operare nella promozione del turismo con un’azienda privata, e in...
READ MOREFinalmente è terminato il contest relativo alla seconda edizione di Ti Amo Italia 2021: Nutella ha rivelato quali sono i luoghi vincitori delle diverse regioni italiane che finiranno sui barattoli che troveremo in vendita a partire da ottobre. Rispetto all’anno scorso, questa volta sono stati i consumatori a votare e scegliere i luoghi iconici da a...
READ MOREEnit apre al pubblico l’Archivio storico del turismo italiano. Da oggi sarà visibile a tutti l’inestimabile patrimonio culturale dell’Ente nazionale del Turismo italiano. Oltre 100mila tra diapositive, manifesti e foto digitalizzate e in continuo aggiornamento a mano a mano che riaffiorano i reperti. L’Agenzia Nazionale del Turismo va ora alla rice...
READ MOREDa oggi l'Italia promuovera’ il turismo nel mondo anche attraverso web radio. Enit, l'Agenzia nazionale del turismo che promuove l'incoming italiano con 27 sedi distribuite nei continenti Europa, Americhe, Asia, Oceania, annuncia la nascita di Visit Italy Web Radio, la prima web radio internazionale per la promozione e il rilancio del turismo ital...
READ MOREItaly is one of the oldest countries in Europe. But there are still many new things to see and do. ENIT, the national tourist board of Italy, held a press event during Thursday’s virtual International Media Marketplace meetings to talk about the state of tourism in one of the world’s most popular countries for visitors. Maria Elena Rossi, ENIT’s ma...
READ MOREEnit will be exhibiting at the IBTM World Virtual, an innovative three-day event, representing 23 participants and "crowds" the international market with "visual winds of Italy". The National Tourism Agency exports the Italian spirit by taking part in the main global event of the MICE industry (Meetings, Incentives, Conferences and Exhibitions) whi...
READ MOREAccording to a recent survey conducted by the Italian Government Tourist Board known as ENIT, one third of Italians are already looking forward to and planning for the Christmas holidays. According to market research provider Euromonitor, the future of Italy tourism and travel will be sustainable, responsible, and digital. So, how is tourism really...