WHEN: January 28, 2016 @ 5:00 pm – 7:00 pmWHERE: Hercules Plaza - 1313 N Market St. - Wilmington, DE 19801 - USACOST: $45 - $65You are cordially invited to join us for a very special briefing by David O'Sullivan, Ambassador of the European Union to the United States of America during his first official visit to the State of Delaware....
READ MORESt. Anthony's is proud to present the very finest in both traditional Italian and contemporary pop music. We recruit professional musicians from up and down the East Coast annually. Artists join us from New York City, Hoboken, NJ, Atlantic City, Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, and Baltimore–and from around the Eastern United States. We are also pleased t...
READ MORELauren Rappoli has always been an extremely gifted athlete. But what made her such an elite athlete is she took that God-given talents and worked absolutely relentlessly on becoming the best she could no matter the sport. Name it – softball, soccer or basketball, she can play. She proved that during her tremendous four years of athletics a...
READ MOREThis year, we welcome your homemade entries in the red, white, or cordial categories. (Cordials include anisette, fruit wine, limoncello & others.) All entries must be presented in 750ml bottles. Bottle must be labeled as follows: name of contestant, item type, & year made. Contestants may enter no more than two (2) entries per cat...
READ MOREPaolo Russo's work lives at the intersection of technology, innovation and art. Russo, who calls Rome, Italy his home, frequently travels to Delaware for work. This is all part of his job as general secretary of Stati Generali dell'Innovazione, a nonprofit association that lobbies to promote Italy's innovation. For months, he has been wor...
READ MOREOn a frigid Friday evening, a milling crowd gathers outside the front door of Vincenza & Margherita Italian Bistro. Inside, couples, standing in the foyer or camping on couches near the hostess stand, juggle glasses of red wine in one hand and bulky winter coats in another. Every stool is occupied at the lively bar where a bartender sprinkles a...
READ MOREOften times, hardworking individuals and organizations are not thanked for all that they do. These people do not do the work for the praise; theirs are labors of love. Still, many organizations deserve recognition, and in the following weeks the Town Crier will be profiling numerous area fraternal and community organizations. Hopefully by...
READ MOREAuthor Grace Mattioli has been chosen as one of '50 Great Writers You Should Be Reading'. The award was the result of a public voting process and her appearance on The Authors Show in which she discussed her latest realistic fiction novel, 'Discovery of an Eagle'. The new book delves deeply into life issues but at the same time offers witt...
READ MOREAfter a delicious Italian buffet catered by Rocco's Restaurant and served by members Cheryl Caira, Julie Manos, Alicia Johnson and Terri Woods, the Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli Lodge 2183 of Wilmington awarded several $1,000 scholarships at its June 19 meeting. To begin the awards program, Trustee Lennie Malvone personally awarded a $1,000 scholarship...
READ MOREWhen Wilmington businessman Jeff Jones contacted the MoMentum Group with the intent of listing the restaurant space formerly occupied by Press 102 at the Tarrymore Hotel, developer Terry Espy knew right away what downtown Wilmington lacks: upscale Italian dining. Espy said she worked with Jones to find a buyer looking to establish an Itali...