The Grapevine: Sons and Daughters of Italy Gather in Marion County in Observance of Columbus Day

Oct 18, 2024 229

BY: Rosalyn Queen

Over 100 members of the Morgantown Sons and Daughters of Italy and the William Marconi Lodge Sons and Daughters of Italy gathered to observe Columbus Day. The combined clubs met at Muriale's Restaurant in Fairmont WV on Monday, Oct. 14 for a buffet dinner. The two lodges have been planning combined meetings throughout the year to exchange ideas and to enjoy fellowship among the members.

Richard Vigilianco addressed the group about the importance of observing Columbus Day and some of the different ways other Lodges promote Columbus Day. Rocky Romano welcomed the group and led them in prayer prior to the meal. Rosalyn Queen was appointed as chairman of the Christopher Columbus Fellowship Foundation. She participated yearly in Washington D.C. 

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